New Client Personal Information Collection and onboarding form

Thank you for requesting Accsys Business Partners to assist you with your ongoing taxation requirements. We look forward to working with you.

Explanation of the form requiring your completion

In order for us to provide you with professional services including the preparation of your personal income tax return and related tax advice, we need to include you in our client data base and update your records with the Australian taxation Office (ATO) to add us as your tax agent.

Please complete this onboarding form which provides us with the relevant information to allow us to add you as a client. Once Completed you must click on the Link (at the bottom of the form) to our terms of engagement and review this before you can lodge this form.

Once the Terms of engagement is reviewed to your satisfaction, a box will open on the form that needs to be ticked agreeing to the terms of engagement before you are able to submit the form.

Please note that we are not requesting your tax file number on this form. We will contact you by phone and request that information independently for security reasons.


please complete all fields
Full Name

Home Address
Postal Address (if different to home address)
Email Address
Date of Birth
Spouse’s Name (if applicable)
Spouse’s Date of Birth (if applicable)
Period you had a spouse during the year ✓ if whole year or

Spouse’s Taxable Income(If we don’t prepare their Tax Return)
No. of Dependant children
Bank Account Details – It is now a requirement to provide Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) details in your tax return if you are receiving a refund.
Name of the Bank
Account Name
Account Number

Terms of Engagement (Click here)